LIM | Less is More 2025
Call for writers + directors is closed
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For writers & directors
LIM2025 Call for Projects is closed
Next Call in September 2025
LIM | Less is More, the European training programme for first to third feature development, powered by Creative Europe — MEDIA and the alliance of twelve European countries, launched its 2025 Call for Projects in September 2024, open until 18 October 2024.
A few days after its very last good news — LIM2021 Linh Duong‘s Vietnamese horror comedy Don’t Cry, Butterfly World Premiere in Venice Critics’ Week — LIM I Less is More, the European Programme developing new approaches to screenwriting for cinema launches its New Call for Projects.
Year after year, LIM has generated a space of inner exploration for each filmmaker / screenwriter, “a room for play” allowing to find in each idea the perspective that makes the film a needed shout. In the way it combines high level craft in script development and research in human and cognitive sciences, LIM is clearly unique in Europe.
The methodological approach of LIM has grown consistently, feeding itself from the applied research terrain generated by LIM’s StoryTANK and by the accumulated experiences in all partner countries/regions around the Boosting Ideas Workshops 1.
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At LIM’s core there’s the idea that filmmakers in independent cinema can gain strength and reinforce their ability to create meaning, when nourished and stimulated by very thorough collaborative processes.
The core of LIM goes through the implementation of a consistent international network of filmmakers, screenwriters, producers and film professionals of the new generations, around the need to make films that matter, films that tell stories we need in order to face and understand what this world is becoming, films that are deeply carried by our shouts and dreams, beyond the mere need for entertainment, in times of serious confusion.
At the core of LIM as well, in a time of ecological trouble, the need to use limitations as a now central tool for a creative effort to go to the essence of each film’s strength, with the obvious for LIM: we always work in places immersed in nature, close to the breathing of the ocean, in villages where human interactions have enough room to regain consistence and meaning 2.

1 Supported by Creative Europe – MEDIA Programme of the European Union, LIM | Less is More is led by Le Groupe Ouest (France), developed with Control N (Romania), Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds – VAF (Belgium), and Krakow Festival Office – KBF (Poland), in partnership with the Norwegian Film Institute, Région Bretagne (France), Focal (Switzerland), MOIN Film Fund Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein (Germany), Fís Éireann/Screen Ireland, as well as Ffilm Cymru Wales and the Baltics Film Centres (Lithuanian Film Centre, Estonian Film Institute and National Film Centre of Latvia).
2 LIM is open to first to third feature film projects from (and/or living in) the European Union, Eurimages Countries and non-EU countries participating in the Creative Europe Programme, as well as the United Kingdom.
LIM Partners

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