Legal notices
Website publication
La Gare, 29890 Plounéour-Brignogan-Plages
Tél.: (+33) 02 98 83 14 26
E-mail: contact[at]www.legroupeouest.com
Association loi 1901 reconnue d’intérêt général
N° Siren: 490 274 594
Publication Directors: Antoine Le Bos & Charlotte Le Vallégant
Photo credits: © Brigitte Bouillotbbouillot.com
Website Design / Creation
Concept image
48 rue Paul Langevin
35200 RENNES
RCS Rennes B 489 600 783
Tél. : (+33) 2 99 38 09 23
Fax : (+33) 2 99 36 48 41
Graphic Design
1 Pl. de Viarmes
29600 Morlaix
Website Hosting
Concept Image à partir de la plateforme OVH
RCS Roubaix-Tourcoing B 424 761 419
Siège social : 140 Quai du Sartel
59100 ROUBAIX – France
Respect for private life and personal data
Data is collected with the sole purpose of setting up professional relations with users. Data of a personal nature is kept by LE GROUPE OUEST for a reasonable period of time. If the person concerned does not supply all the information requested as obligatory (*Obligatory Fields), he cannot validate the form in question and therefore cannot enter into contact with LE GROUPE OUEST. The right of access and rectification provided for in Article 34 ff of the law previously cited is exercised by post to the address: La Gare, 29890 Plounéour-Brignogan-Plages, France.
Warning on security
In order to ensure its security and guarantee access to everyone, this website uses software that monitors flows on the site and identifies unauthorised attempts at connection or change of information, and any other action likely to cause other damage. Unauthorised attempts to upload or alter information with intent to cause damage and, more generally, any attack on the availability and integrity of this website are strictly prohibited and will be prosecuted under the French Penal Code. Article 323-1 of the code rules that fraudulently accessing or remaining in all or part of an automated data-processing system (which is what a website is) is punishable by two years’ imprisonment and a fine of 30,000 euros. Article 323-3 of the same code rules that fraudulent introduction of data into an automated data-processing system or fraudulent deletion or modification of data that it contains is punishable by five years’ imprisonment and a fine of 75,000 euros.
Our website uses cookies. Cookies are small amounts of data which enable the identification of regular visitors and are stored for the time they are visiting the website. Cookies are stored on your computer’s hard drive and do not cause any damage to it. They enable us to increase friendliness on our website, to measure the audience, and to accurately adapt the content to your needs. Cookies are also used to check if your computer has already been connected to our page. Only the cookie stored on your computer is then identified. If you gave your consent, some personal data will be stored in the shape of a cookie, for instance to make it easier to access safely our website, without having to input your user name and password continuously.
The website’s cookies do not contain any data enabling you to be personally identified, and are designed to be used by LE GROUPE OUEST alone.
We advise you that you can oppose entry of such cookies by using one of your browser’s configuration options – details on the website cnil.fr.
Links to other sites
LE GROUPE OUEST website provides links to third-party sites.
LE GROUPE OUEST cannot be held responsible for the contents of these sites or the use to which they might be put by users.