Volkan Üce

Volkan Üce (1981) obtained his master’s degree in Political and Social Sciences at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. Afterwards he continued as a self-taught filmmaker before completing his PhD. Volkan completed his first full-length documentary DISPLACED (71’, 2017) with the support of the Flanders Audiovisual Fund and VRT. The film had its world premiere at DOK Leipzig 2017 and was received with great enthusiasm by both the international and the Belgian public. DISPLACED shows the identity crisis of third-generation Turks growing up in Belgium and the Netherlands.

In 2018, Volkan is working on his second feature documentary ALL-IN.

The Song Breaker

LIM | Less is More 2018

Tony guides fallers to the end. It’s his job. He has eternal life, is invisible and looks for self-destructive people to precipitate their fall. He is able to hear what his clients (chosen by Tony himself) think and to whisper them thoughts in order to speed up their fall. He claims (chooses a client), guides (accelerates the fall) and cashes (adds each client’s death to his track record). Tony becomes strongly attached to one of his client’s family. Although he is invisible to them, he develops certain routines with them and also strong feelings for the 18 year old daughter, Mercedes. One day his colleague, Carmen, shows up. They observe the family and their environment. Mercedes is a faller, but Tony has to protect her from Carmen. Once all the fallers around the family are cashed by Carmen and Tony, Carmen claims Mercedes. Tony doesn’t want to lose Mercedes. He realizes he loves her and that he would prefer to be seen by Mercedes and to experience human affection. But it is not easy for him to give up all his privileges and to leave the world he knows best.