Released in 2017
Directed by
Claire Barrault
Written by
Claire Barrault
Marc Bellay in the framework of ESTRAN 6 / Films en Bretagne, supported by the Breizh Film Fund
Simon, You Ass
Claire Barrault
In 2015, the Artistic Council of the Breizh Film Fund chose to back the scheme for the emergence of young writer-directors and producers in Brittany, ESTRAN 6, funded by Films en Bretagne. Four short films were chosen to take part.
The shooting of Claire Barrault’s film “T’es con Simon”, produced by Marc Bellay, ended on 15 April 2016 in Brest (Brittany).
Alain goes to visit his grandson, Simon, who has attempted suicide for the first time. Distraught by Simon’s act, Alain tries to turn the situation into a joke. But the moral lesson he’d initially prepared doesn’t unfold the way he’d planned.
- Jury jeune / Cinema 35 en fête
- Jury jeune / Images Vagabondes
- Festival Détours en cinécourt (Haute-Garonne)
- Sacramento French Film festival
- Festival Partie(s) de campagne (Ouroux en Morvan)
- Festival Tournez Court / Hors compétition (St Etienne)
- Lucas Film Festival / Sélection officielle (Allemagne)
- International Film of Red Cross (Bulgarie)
- Cabbadetown Short Film Festival (Toronto – Canada)
- Festival du Premier Court-Métrage (Pontault Combault)
- Festival Dragui court (Draguignan)
- Festival Le Temps Presse (Paris et Genève)
- Festival du Film de Famille (Saint Ouen)
- Festival Courts en Champagne / Section PANORAMA
- AFC Global Fest’2017 (Inde)
- Festival Courts dans la Vallée (Prémian – Hérault)
- Dublin International Film Festival (Irlande)
- Rencontres du cinéma européen / Compétition européenne de courts-métrages de fiction (Vannes)