In post-production
Directed by
Jérôme Vandewattyne
Written by
Kamal Messaoudi
Jérôme Di Egidio -
Take Five
The Belgian Wave
Script by Kamal Messaoudi & Jérôme Di Egidio
This film was backed by the Centre du Cinéma de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles with the limited budget fund. This is how the cowriter Kamal Messaoudi came to take part in Groupe Ouest Développement workshop – Scénario : puissance & âme – for “The Belgian Wave”, a film directed by Jérôme Vandewattyne.
Karen, with the help of Elzo, investigates a wave of UFO sightings in Belgium between 1989 and 1992. The two protagonists embark on a psychedelic road trip in which exuberant witnesses of the time parade by. When they discover the video diary of Marc, a journalist who disappeared at the time of the ufological phenomena, Karen and Elzo come across a sect that is full of crucial information about the journalist’s disappearance.