A broad ecosystem of partners
Local authorities, corporate sponsors, professionals in the movie industry working on regional, national and international levels, researchers and academics working on narratives of tomorrow: Le Groupe Ouest, as its name suggests (“Group”), is a strong believer in bringing expertise together. Filmmaking is a complex industry, midway between economy and culture, calling upon a huge diversity of skills.
Public sector partners
First to kick off, they are still involved in the financing of our projects and are closely connected to the common interest dimension of our missions.
Business partners
Without our loyal sponsors, our most audacious experimentations would often prove impossible.
Regional, national and European professional partners
- Le Groupe Ouest
Partner networks
Le Groupe Ouest is a member of the Breton companies “Produit en Bretagne” network, as well as member of the Comité Régional du Tourisme en Bretagne. At a community level, it is also a member of the Fabrique d’imaginaire, an initiative proposed by Tourisme Côte des Légendes.
31 local inhabitants relate their experience of Covid : a Breton initiative emphasizing the “shared experience”!
Summer 2020: as France recovered from its first confinement, over thirty Bretons (community members, farmers, artisans, employees or company directors, young and old, women, men) became the storytellers of their own experience of the pandemic. How did they experience it? What were their fears? What were and remain their expectations?
These observers were accompanied by the Le Groupe Ouest’s team of scriptwriters. They were chosen with the help of the Produit en Bretagne’s network, filmed by a team of filmmakers based in Brittany and edited by the Rennes-based production company Ten2Ten Films. The result is very powerful… Free of any formal approach, unconcerned by the codes of media language, the observers gave their own personal rendition. It was not about style and expression, it was a simple, unaffected, heart to heart sharing of experiences. The challenge was to encourage mutual support, to share new narratives providing an outline for a greater connection in building the future.
France 3 Bretagne wished to be part of this project using it as an essential sounding board.