En production
Andreea Borțun
Andreea Borțun
Atelier de Film (Romania)
Films de Force Majeure (France)
Perfo d.o.o. (Slovénie) -
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Blue Banks
Andreea Borțun
La cinéaste roumaine Andreea Borțun a participé au programme européen du Groupe Ouest, LIM | Less is More, en 2019 pour le développement de son long-métrage « Blue Banks » (Malul vânăt). Le film est tourné en 2023.
Mère célibataire, Lavinia s’efforce de construire une vie meilleure pour elle et son fils Dani, dans un village pauvre de Roumanie. Impulsive, elle a souvent du mal à exprimer son amour. Quand elle trouve un travail à Marseille, elle laisse Dani au pays. Pendant son absence, il deviendra un homme.

The general feeling governing Lavinia’s life is one of profound dissatisfaction. The relationship between what she thinks she deserves and what she actually does in order to deserve that, is of importance to me.
I feel a sense of absurdity in our lives created by this tension between our capacities and our projections of (cheated) expectations. The life Lavinia expects and feels entitled to, doesn’t take into account her position in the world and the conditionings of that world. She’s in an in- between place where ambitions are high and unrealistic. She is surrounded by elements which create false images of what she could have: media, migration, community values. Lavinia lives in a world in which she feels she is constantly wronged, robbed of her rights, of what she should be entitled to.
For her, happiness, the feeling of accomplishment, of justice are always somewhere else. Where she lives is never right or enough.